HTML Attributes

Attribute Name



Identifier id='...' This attribute gives a specific identification to the content of a tag. This helps to separate it from other content with the same tag
Classes class='...' This attribute also gives identicication to the content of a tag however multiple tags may have the same class.
Link Destination href='...' This attribute gives the reference to the location of a link, like a url or file location.
Source src='...' This attribute gives the direct source of an image, video or other media with a url or file location
Alternate Text alt='...' This attribute is typically paired with src and gives a text-based description of the image. This is used if there is an issue loading the image or if there is a sreen reader
Height height='...' This attribute, paired with an image/video src, will set the height (vertical axis) in pixels of the media
Width width='...' This attribute works the same as the height but for the horizontal axis
Target target='...' This attribute specifies where to open a link once clicked.
Scope scope='...' This attribute is used in a table to specify if the heading is for a column, row or group of columns or rows
Column and Row Span colspan='...', rowspan='...' These attributes are used to span the data across multiple rows or columns in a table.